The Best React Carousel Libraries

Nov 07 2023,

The Best React Carousel Libraries

Wether it's an image gallery or a testimonial slider, carousels are one of the most popular components used in modern landing marketing pages and portfolio websites.

Although it's possible — and sometimes necessary — to create your own carousel component from scratch, this process can be pretty time consuming and complex.

If you're short on time or just want to make your life easier, here are two lightweight and customizable React carousel libraries that I've used on some my projects.

Embla Carousel

  • Lightweight
  • Highly Extensible
  • Plugin System
  • Fully Typed

Keen Slider

  • Library Agnostic: Works well in JavaScript, TypeScript, React, Vue, Angular, React Native etc.
  • Lightweight: No dependencies, only ~5.5KB gzipped
  • Mobile First: Supports multi touch and is fully responsive
  • Great Performance: Native touch/swipe behavior
  • Compatible: Works in all common browsers, including >= IE 10 and React Native
  • Open Source: Freely available under the MIT license
  • Extensible: Rich but simple API